Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In the news

A man in Fort Walton Beach, Florida played the lottery using the numbers he found in a fortune cookie, miraculously won, then accidentally shredded the ticket after cleaning out his truck. He's hired a lawyer.

Consumers think Frito-Lay's SunChips recyclable bags are too loud, so the company will return to using their non-recyclable bags until they create a less-noisy eco-friendly material.

A woman in suburban Chicago returned to her Hyatt hotel room to find one of the male employees wearing her underwear and high heels. The man was charged with disorderly conduct, was charged $187 and let go. The woman is suing Hyatt.

On Vancouver Island, a benefit fundraiser featuring a male stripper erupted into a brawl among 150 intoxicated women. Five women were arrested and two spent the night in jail, but charges may not be filed. "There was no real victim here as far as we can tell, and everybody was so drunk, it's difficult to determine what really took place," a Mountie said.

A Missouri woman called 911 when her boyfriend did not look for a job but instead sat around and smoked pot all day. The police issued a summons for his arrest. He is now in jail facing charges.

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