A Waynesville woman with two prior drunk driving convictions crashed her car three times last night before she fled on foot to avoid officers. She struck a vehicle on a residential street, hit an unoccupied car on the berm of the interstate, then she ran over a sign post and into a telephone pole. She is facing multiple counts.
A child's 3rd birthday celebration at a hall in Elmswood erupted into a large melée that required seven police departments to control. Seventy-five people were involved in the fight, 15 were injured, and five were admitted to the hospital. Beer bottles were the weapon of choice. It started at 1:00 a.m. when who shows up? — an uninvited ex-spouse.
A small black bear has been spotted five times over the last four weeks in a park in Symmes Township. It's described as 3 1/2 feet tall. Officials say there are no plans to trap it, and that residents should be careful. I think they should try to determine whether it's an orphan, or whether mom is nearby.
Hey, it's crazy out there! Stay safe!